Download Turanga Leela Mugen Char, made by Mugen fans and shared to include in Mugen games, we show all the details and images of this great character.
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- Name =”Turanga Leela”
- Displayname =”Leela”
- Versiondate =04,14,2002
- Mugenversion =04,14,2002 ; Winmugen, Mugen 1.1
- Author =”Warner”
- Pal.Defaults = 1,3,4,2
- Sprites = 724
- Animations = 194
- Sounds = 73
- cmd = en/leela.cmd ;command set
- cns = en/leela.cns ;constants
- st = en/leela.cns ;states
- stcommon = common1.cns ;common states
- sprite = en/leela.sff ;sprite
- anim = en/leela.air ;animation
- sound = en/leela.snd ;sound
- ;colores de leela ————————————
- pal1 = pal/leela1.act ;palettes (can have up to 12)
- pal2 = pal/leela-parallel.act
- pal3 = pal/leela3.act
- pal4 = pal/leela4.act
- pal5 = pal/leela5.act
- pal6 = pal/simpson.act
- pal7 = pal/poison-ivy.act
- pal8 = pal/leela2.act
- pal9 = pal/leela8.act
- pal10 = pal/leela-blond.act
- pal11 = pal/leela-dark.act
- pal12 = pal/leela-dark2.act
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How to download install Turanga Leela Mugen Char?
1. Wait for the counter to end.
2. Press Download.
3. The download server will open.
4.Download Mugen char.