Download Cell Max Mugen Char, made by Mugen fans and shared to include in Mugen games, we show all the details and images of this great character.
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- Name = “Cell Max”
- Displayname = “Cell Max Boss”
- Versiondate = 02/08/2019
- Mugenversion = 1.0
- Author = “Salah + Magolax = Resorrev “
- Pal.Defaults = 1
- Sprites = 1730
- Animations = 208
- Sounds = 124
- sprite = Cell Max.sff
- anim = Cell Max.air
- sound = Cell Max.snd
- cmd = Cell Max.cmd
- cns = Cell Max.cns
- stcommon = common1.cns
- st = Cell Max.cns
- st1 = IA.cns
- st2 = Especiales.cns
- st3 = Supers.cns
- pal1 = 1.act
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How to download install Cell Max Mugen Char?
1. Wait for the counter to end.
2. Press Download.
3. The download server will open.
4.Download Mugen char.